Lou’s House 劉宅
儘管室內設計毫不掩飾的簡樸,但卻充滿個性,這要歸功於不拘一格的家具選擇,B&B 沙發、PP the chair、Tangali bench、Manero 餐桌,各個都是質量精細的表現,不需多餘裝飾的自信!
設 計 者/翁梓富
參 與 者/張欣宜
攝 影 者/揅空間工作室
面 積/28坪
In this project, we sought to create a serene atmosphere and aesthetic using high-quality natural materials as much as possible. With an earth-tone colour palette as the basis, we applied flax colour mineral paint and simple wood texture to create the aesthetic experience.
The delicate linear lights roughly divide the common area into the living room, the study, and the kitchen. The round metal handles function as visual anchors for the common area.
Upon entering the hallway, you can find the hidden door to the bedroom and bathroom on the concave walnut wood wall.
Despite its unabashedly bold minimalism, the interior design still maintains its character thanks to the eclectic selection of furniture, including the B&B sofa, the PP chair, the Tangali bench, and the Manero dining table. Each is such a fine piece of craftsmanship that you will no longer need any extra decoration!
Designer/Jeff Weng
Participants/Zhang Xinyi
Photographer/Studio Millspace
Nature of Space/Residential Space
Location / New Taipei City, Taiwan
收錄於 [08/2022 室內interior雜誌347]