設 計 者/翁梓富
參 與 者/張欣宜
攝 影 者/墨田工作室
面 積/25坪
This project is located in a residential building in Tamsui District. It is mainly occupied by two sisters and their elderly mother, and they have a pet dog called Mumu. This is where they live together, in a three-person, one-pet home.
The challenge in the design is that the new residence is much smaller than the original one. Given the lack of space, the more items from the original residence are retained, the more compressed is the space.
However, there are too many shared memories and too many stories in their original lives. Even though cutting off, giving up, and breaking away has become a modern lifestyle, we still hoped to retain more items for the house owners so that the story can be continued.
At the same time, we hoped that the living space could be kept spacious and simple, and natural elements could be introduced. A large amount of birch plywood is used as the main indoor surface material, without deliberate decoration, so that the birch plywood can convey a pure sense of space, and the cement texture of flooring creates a simple and quiet environment for the space.
Designer/Jeff Weng
Participants/Zhang Xinyi
Photographer/Moooten Studio
Nature of Space/Residential Space
Location / New Taipei City, Taiwan