Black house 黑色屋子
設 計 者/翁梓富
參 與 者/張欣宜
攝 影 者/墨田工作室
面 積/40坪
This space has diverse characteristics, and its main applications tentatively include serving as a coffee store (selling coffee beans), a design studio, and a yoga classroom; in the meantime, it is also used as a social hall where ideas and opinions from different fields are shared and exchanged. With regard to the interior layout, the space is divided into three areas to perform its functions. The coffee store is a welcoming area near the entrance, and it is also an intermediary between the design studio and yoga classroom. With the use of sliding doors, these three areas are independent and do not interfere with each other. When the sliding doors are opened, the coffee store is able to create a confluence space and artfully bring these three areas together to enhance socialisation and communication.
Designer/Jeff Weng
Participants/Zhang Xinyi
Photographer/Moooten Studio
Nature of Space/Studio
Location / Taipei City, Taiwan